Impiantistica industriale Caldaie Melgari

Generatori di vapore a tre giri effettivi di fumo
MV3 - Generatori di vapore a tre giri effettivi di fumo

Producibilità da 1.000 kg/h a 15.000 kg/h. Pressioni di esercizio fino a 21 bar

A pressurized boiler at effectively 3 smokes passes and a completely wet back. It has been designed for the combustion of both liquid and gaseous fuels and is supplied with the all accessories according to the currently norms for an automated operation. The MV3 fascinates for its semplicity and the maintenance does not request any dismounting. The steam boiler has been designed according to the most advanced techniques by highly qualified engineers in our factory. The tube plates are manually drilled at cold in order to maintain all physical characteristics of the material. The construction is performed according to the European directive P.E.D. 97/23/CE . All joints are accurately electric welded and are executed with manual / automatic process. The safety and quality is guaranteed through several non destructive controls, made with the presence of a certified inspector:

  • ultrasonic test on the chamber combustion inspection hole
  • X-rays on the crosses and but weldings
  • penetrant liquid on the corner weldings